The New Arena

Enrollments closed 9th October

Get clear with your Big 5, so you can get on with what matters most. Welcome your bigger game, and let's get after your best!

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The New Arena: Transition & Transformation

What started as an idea…

Is now a fully-fledged online course. 😅

This course came about thanks to the feedback by one of our Academy members. Specifically this good looking gent on the right here (Icaro). Yes! that’s his name and he is awesome.

The New Arena was inspired and designed to solve this simple, yet annoyingly universal problem…

In order for people to be their best, what must they have?

For those who registered and took part in the 5-week free course that this was during COVID lockdown, here it is again, but on steroids.

We quite literally built this online space and place from the ground up for people like you. For those who have a relentless pursuit to learn, live and lead their best, so they can play their bigger game.

What you will get!

The big 5 to stay alive and thrive.

Here’s the game plan. 💪🏽

Clarity, Confidence and Direction.

This session focuses on making the invisible visible. Learn how to make the way clear with structure that creates freedom, and some humour to laugh at the challenges ahead.



Path, Plan and Execution.

This session focuses on ripping the curtain down on the bullsh!t on building great businesses, visions and putting into action what can be overwhelming, and unclear. Let Ross’s long road be your short road in mapping out what must be done.

Leadership, Teams and Culture.

This session focuses on the key questions, insights and checks for building great teams, relationships and networks. Walk away with a wash of confidence and certainty for taking the leap.

Confident, Calm and in the Zone.

This session focuses on compressing decades into moments. Making the complex simple, so that you can get on with living your best.

Optimisation, Unlocking Potential and Genius.

This session has been hailed as mind-blowing and life-changing to the NXT LVL Community. Get amongst it and get your edge.

Enrollment closed 9th October 2020